What's an OSHA labeler? There is no such thing. But there are safety labels that help meet OSHA labeling requirements. If it's related to labeling or safety, we'll talk about it here. You'll find out how to reduce waste and improve safety with proper labeling and signs. You'll learn about free offers. Plus you can leave your comments and suggestions and pass on your labeling experience to others. Welcome to OSHA Labelers, the site that is about labeling machines and safety.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Free Wire Label Printer

Here is an incredible deal from K-Sun that will only be available until the end of the year.

If you purchase a K-Sun LabelSHOP BEE3 heat shrink tube starter kit for only $98.65, you'll receive a FREE BEE3 labeler... a $75.00 value! That's right, you'll have the supplies you need and a labeler for under $100. And this is not a flimsy home-type label printer that will quickly fail. The BEE3 is a sturdy thermal transfer printer that comes with a three-year warranty.

Or purchase a K-Sun LabelSHOP BEE3 standard printer starter kit for only $87.60 and receive a FREE BEE3 labeler!

The BEE3 is a small, lightweight, handheld label printer that was designed to be used in the field. It is an outstanding label printer for electrical installers, technicians or anyone who needs to label wires and cables. It can also print general purpose labels up to 3/4" in width, providing a convenient way to make terminal block labels, panel labels, instrument labels and many other types of general labels.

At under $100 for an industrial quality label printer and supplies, this special BEE3 offer means everyone who needs to do labeling have have the labeling tool they need right in their toolbox.

The K-Sun LabelSHOP BEE3 uses time-tested standard LabelSHOP supplies.

Labels: ,

Sunday, October 28, 2007

DuraLabel PRO Brochure

The new DuraLabelPRO brochure is available online (DuraLabel PRO brochure PDF.) This allows you to download and save a copy of this brochure for future use. Or you can send it to someone else by email.

The DuraLabel PRO is the new, versatile, economical thermal transfer printer. It is economical because you'll be purchasing supplies direct from the manufacturer, resulting in savings for you with sacrificing quality. It is versatile because it can handle an incredible range of identification and visual communication tasks. From printing small shrink tube labels for wires, to making larger, reflective parking lot signs, the DuraLabel PRO can get the job done.

The original DuraLabel became one of the best selling industrial labeling machines. The new DuraLabel PRO expands on the features and capabilities that made the original DuraLabel so good, giving you a machine with more power, greater speed, and the similar savings on supplies.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Selecting The Right Labeling Material

Have you applied a safety label only to have it almost immediately start pealing off? The corners start curling up and before you know it parts rip off and the label is unreadable.

Have you made a label to find that it is quickly fading from exposure to sunlight?

Or maybe the label you just made got wet and the printing is smearing.

Selecting the right label material for the job is important. Some materials, such as industrial grade vinyl printed with a thermal transfer printer, will function fine in a wide variety of environments. Others, such as direct thermal labels have more limitations.

An article by Steve Hudgik, called Selecting The Proper Labeling Material will guide you in getting the right material for the labeling job.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Brady IP Printer

The Brady IP printer is now available from Graphic Products, the labeling machine dealer that features FAST same-day shipping and unbeatable customer service.

More information about the Brady IP Printer.

The Brady IP printer is a high resolution die-cut label printer. It prints general purpose labels in a variety of sizes, up to 4.16" in width. It also prints self-laminating labels, Brady PermaSleeve shrink tube labels, tags and cold weather labels.

The Brady IP printer features RDF chips built into the supplies so that the printer can detect the type of supply installed and automatically configure the printer for the supply. Access for changing supplies is provided through the top of the printer.

The Brady IP printer is available in four models.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

FREE PPE Quick Reference Chart

Graphic Products offers a free quick reference to required PPE.

PPE is the abbeviation for Personal Protective Equipment. It is used to protect workers from chemical, electrical, environmental and other hazards in the workplace, when no other alternative is available.

The shows the standards for the PPE required for various hazard categories. Hazard categories are listed across the upper part of the chart, with the required PPE listed for each category. On the lower part of the chart it shows each type of PPE and lists the categories for which that PPE is required.

You can request your free copy of this safety reference at: http://www.safe-workplace.com/free-ppe-chart.asp

This web site is the safety information web site for Graphic Products. It includes a safety blog that provides current safety news and information. You can subscribe to this blog to automatically receive safety information in your email.


Monday, October 08, 2007

FREE WHMIS Symbols Guide

The manufacturer of the DuraLabel line of label printers and supplies offers a free WHMIS Symbols Guide for our Canadian customers. This laminated quick reference to WHMIS Symbols shows the eight WHMIS Symbols. It provides an explanation describing the material represented by each symbol, and it gives examples of those materials. This guide also provides the requirements for the information required on WHMIS labels.

Free Guide To WHMIS Symbols

The new DuraLabel PRO is a high speed thermal transfer printer that can, among many other capabilities, make fully compliant WHMIS labels. When you receive your free guide, information about the DuraLabel PRO will be provided along with your guide.
