OSHA Safety Labels In Color
When you have a DuraLabel printer and are using the DuraLabel multi-color custom label service.
What's that?
The multi-color custom label services provides color templates for your labels, custom made to your specifications. They come on a continuous roll which then runs through your DuraLabel printer where the last color is printed (usually black) to add custom information. The result is a color label, made specifically for your facility and application, with exactly the information you need on the label.
That's how to make OSHA safety labels in color, or any other color label you need.
Color makes labels more effective. They transmit information quicker. The message is more easily understood. They are more easily noticeable. And with the DuraLabel multi-color custom label service full color labels are now practical. Give us a call today at 1-800-788-5572. You'll be glad you did.
Labels: duralabel supplies, industrial safety, safety labels