What's an OSHA labeler? There is no such thing. But there are safety labels that help meet OSHA labeling requirements. If it's related to labeling or safety, we'll talk about it here. You'll find out how to reduce waste and improve safety with proper labeling and signs. You'll learn about free offers. Plus you can leave your comments and suggestions and pass on your labeling experience to others. Welcome to OSHA Labelers, the site that is about labeling machines and safety.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Take The Safety Sign Test

Can you find the ten problems in this photograph of a safety sign?

Take the safety sign test on our web site to see how many problems you can spot. This ten question online quiz does not require a sign-up... see whether you can spot all ten problems.

This quiz is provided in conjunction with an article about safety signs in this month's issue of Facility Safety Management. Read the article to learn about the the 12 Common & Costly Compliance Mistakes related to sign making.

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Labeling Supplies For DuraLabel

There is nothing like the quality and Durability of DuraLabel labeling supplies.

Why? Isn't all vinyl the same? Not at all.

Inconsistent thickness, pinholes, surface imperfections, stretching, poor quality adhesive, unequal adhesive thickness, variations in the top coat, inadequate top coat thickness, and many other factors effect the quality of label material and the quality of the labels you make. That's why using DuraLabel printers and supplies is the SAFE way to go. You'll know you are always getting unbeatable material quality, backed by our tradition of unbeatable customer service.

The picture above shows one of the stations in our test lab. All of the supplies we sell undergo rigorous sampling and testing to assure that you only get quality materials. We do this because poor quality may not be noticeable to the eye, but it makes a difference to your bottom line and safety. Poor quality labels and signs may start falling off in less than half their expected life. The labor costs to replace them far exceed the cost of the label material.

Why take a chance? Stick with the known labeling supplies leader -- DuraLabel. Not only is DuraLabel of supreme quality, there are more types of DuraLabel supplies available than you can get for any other printer. Yuo'll always be able to get the righ supply for the job.

Call 1-888-326-9244 today for more informartion about DuraLabel printers and DuraLabel labeling supplies. You'll be glad you did.

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