What's an OSHA labeler? There is no such thing. But there are safety labels that help meet OSHA labeling requirements. If it's related to labeling or safety, we'll talk about it here. You'll find out how to reduce waste and improve safety with proper labeling and signs. You'll learn about free offers. Plus you can leave your comments and suggestions and pass on your labeling experience to others. Welcome to OSHA Labelers, the site that is about labeling machines and safety.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Looking For An OSHA Labeler?

For OSHA and safety compliant labeling, there is no better choice than a Duralabel labeler. Call 1-888-326-9244 to find out about DuraLabel label printers and supplies.

Or visit the DuraLabel web site.

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Do You Have Your DuraLabel Supplies Catalog Yet?

There are more types of supplies available for DuraLabel printers than for any other printer made for labeling in industrial and commercial facilities. What's the benefit in this for you?

It means you can always get the right supply for the job. Just like getting the job done right means using the right tools, when it comes to labeling using the right supply is necessary to get the job done right. When a "make do" supply is used labels fail sooner and may not even communicate the needed information. This costs a lot more than using the right supply in the first place. You never know what type of unique labeling requirement will pop up in the future, but you can rest assured that with a DuraLabel printer you be ready.

And what really nice is that having a printer with this tremendous versatility does not cost you any more... in fact you'll save money with DuraLabel printers.

The vast array of supplies available for DuraLabel printers also shows DuraLabel innovation. DuraLabel is always pushing forward to make better printers and better supplies. That why there is no better printer than a DuraLabel... and DuraLabel printers just keep getting better.

Call 1-888-326-9244 today to learn more about DuraLabel printers. Or use this link - DuraLabel Supplies Catalog - to get a free copy of the DuraLabel Supplies Catalog.

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New DuraLabel Supplies Catalog Available
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DuraLabel Test Lab - Testing The Competition

Making OSHA Labels & Signs

When it comes to safety, communication is critical. This includes training, as well as communicating information about hazards directly at the point of need. That's why OSHA and ANSI compliant labels and signs are needed. And that's what you get with DuraLabel printers.

DuraLabel printers are available in a variety of sizes and models - there are six to choose from, so you can get exactly the right printer for your OSHA labeling and sign making needs. The handheld DuraLabel 2000 is lightweight and it uses supplies up to two inches in width. On the other end of the scale is the large format DuraLabel 9000 - the printer that makes sign printing in a fast, simple job.

You need OSHA compliant safety labels and signs. Everyone does. With a DuraLabel printer you can make the OSHA labels and signs you need, when you need them.

Call 1-888-326-9244 today for more information. You'll be glad you did.

Related past posts:
OSHA Labels & Signs
OSHA Safety Labels, Is That All
OSHA Safety Labels In Color

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Get The Best - In Every Respect

There's a reason why DuraLabel printers, such as the DuraLabel PRO (DLP), have become recognized as THE BEST label and sign printers you can get. Actually there are a number of reasons. I'll let DuraLabel customers tell you:

It's the great customer service: "I work with so many vendors. Sometimes, it's like pulling teeth to get them to respond, even to just an email where I am placing an order. (revenue for their company!) You and your group have been so responsive and quite prompt... path of least resistance...makes my work day pleasant so I can move on to the next task.
Keep up the great work! :) " - Thank you, Marianne

Easy to use: "Just wanted to say the DLP is great!! Easy interface and straightforward. Couldn't be happier." Cheers, Jeff - Biology Department, Canadian University

Versatile, and able to handle many types of labeling and sign making jobs: "Proper signs make it easier for every one to learn how the equipment is run and figure out what is going on. Several other departments have 'borrowed' the label maker for things that they needed labeled. The warehouse was recently expanded and made about a hundred labels for the shelves in 10 minutes." Natalie - Engineer

Duralabel printers make your job easier: "I just wanted to write you and let you know how pleased I am with the new DL-9000 sign maker. I set it up today and wow, what a difference! It’s awesome! Thank you so much for suggesting it. I think I might have the Underground interested in one also. They are having quite a time with their PowerMark." Peggy - Major Mining Company

And there are many other reasons. Why not call 1-888-326-9244 today and find out how a DuraLabel printer can make your job easier.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

OSHA's Serious Accident Citations In 2009

A free guide to the top ten OSHA Serious Citations in 2009 is now available. This guide presents information about the most serious violations of OSHA standards in 2009.

The guide starts by giving the top ten types of serious violations in 2009. It identifies and describes the top ten OSHA standards that were violated based on the number of violations. Then it gives a similar list based on the total dollar amount of fines proposed.

This guide also gives the top ten citations based on the total dollar value of the proposed fine. It identifies the company that was fined, the amount of the proposed fine and a description of the reasons for the proposed fines.

This guide is available free. You can ask for your copy at: OSHA Top Ten Violations In 2009.

Related past posts:
Free Pipe Marking Guide
5S Standard Colors (Free Guide)
Arc Flash Labeling Best Practices

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

OSHA Accident Reports

It never hurts to learn from others mistakes. When I comes to safety I hope there will be a time when there are no mistakes to learn from, but we are far from perfection. So it is a good idea to examine accidents and use them to bring to mind things we may have forgotten or not even thought of. OSHA publishes a series of accident reports that can be helpful.

A free guide, put out by the makers of DuraLabel printers, provides some of the OSHA accident reports as a handy reference. Use this link to go to an online form you can use to request this set of OSHA Accident Reports.

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OSHA And Arc Flash Labels
OSHA Safety Labels In Color
OSHA Labels & Signs For Power Plants

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Right Kind Of Pipemarkers

There are several different types of pipe markers. Which you use depends on what's in the pipe and where the pipe is located. This isn't a big, difficult question that requires analysis.

If your pipes are on a ship, then you need to follow the marine pipe marking standards.

If they are medical gas pipes (in a hospital or other medical facility) they need to follow the medical gas standards.

If they are ammonia pipes used for refrigeration, the pipe markers need to follow the IIAR standards.

All others need to follow the ANSI A13.1 pipe marking standards. So it's not that complicated. If you are not in one of these easily recognizable situations, then use the ANSI standard.

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Read more about different pipe marking standards.

You may also hear about an ASME standard for pipe marking. ASME stands for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. They have adopted the exact same standard as ANSI... so there is no difference between ANSI A13.1 and ASME A13.1.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Arc Flash Labels

Arc flash labels are critical to safety in your facility... whether it is an electric power plant or an office building. Arc flash has injured people in retail stores and in coal mines. If there is electricity, there is the potential for an arc flash.

The problem is that people are in many cases not aware of the danger. That's why arc flash labels are so important. They warn people about the hazard and inform workers about what needs to be done to protect themselves. This helps prevent someone from working on the source of a potential arc flash, without the proper PPE.

But, arc flash labels must be correct and this usually requires that an arc flash analysis be done. The Arc Flash Solutions Handbook provides the detailed information needed to make your workplace save from arc flash hazards. Graphic Products makes a copy of this handbook available free. Use this link to request your copy: Free Arc Flash Solutions Handbook.

Related Past Posts:
Arc Flash Labeling Best Practices
NFPA 70E Labeling Web Site
CSA Z462 - Canadian Arc Flash Standard

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What about pipe markers?

If you have a facility, then you must have pipe markers. Pipe markers are a crucial component of safety in any facility. They immediately separate (identify) a water pipe from a natural gas pipe -- and in an emergency knowing which is which can be a life or death matter.

In most cases, however, piper makers provide needed information -- identifying the contents, hazard level and flow direction of pipe contents. This allows your staff to immediately know what's happening, and what valves are the right valves to close (or open). Pipe markers save time as well as saving lives.

There are standards that apply to pipe markers. The most common is the ANSI A13.1 code. For ammonia pipe markers the IIAR sets the standards and CGA publishes the standards for medical gas pipe markers and cylinder labeling. Graphic products offers labeling guides for all of these types of pipe markers and more... and the guides are available free. Call 1-888-326-9244.

Or use our pipe marker online form to request your free pipe marker guide, as well as other safety related guides.

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DuraLabel Supplies - Huge Selection
Reflective Pipe Markers

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